Monday, August 3, 2015


Joey and I have been out of town for the last couple days since our house was being fumigated (what a headache!) plus to get away and celebrate our first year anniversary.

We are slowly nesting and prepping for our little girl's arrival.  If you know me well, I try to work with little money when decorating the house.  Everyone that enters the house is impressed about how well decorated the house is and at how "little" we spent to get the look.  I give Joey all of the credit for his handy-ness and motivation to make things.  It pays to have someone creative and handy around the house. 

Now that the house has been tented, we can move forward to get the inside organized.  I'm a bit overwhelmed.  There is food in the living room (since we packed everything away), baby stuff to sort, and no gas in the house!  I want to do laundry but have no "easy" was to dry the items.  A little frustrating, I think?  Maybe I'll try the laundromat but would hate to lug everything around.

Between trying to get the house in order, I am also trying to get my classroom ready for another great school year.  I haven't even started but have a list of to-do's that need to happen before the end of the month.  Today was suppose to be my first day back... but another day or two or week off shouldn't hurt... or will it?!

I guess today is all about catching up and just going with the flow... 

Ok, here's to cleaning!

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