Thursday, May 29, 2014

Allergies in Full Effect

Meeting Cotton (not the best picture of him!)

Let's be honest here.  I am allergic to my own dog!  I picked out my dog, Cotton, a maltipoo because he was "hypoallergenic".  Apparently not!
I love him to pieces, but spending too much time cuddling with him turns me into a sneezing machine.  My eyes water, my nose stuffs up, and it's the end of me!  I usually take Allergra-D to remedy my state.  Other "weaker" meds don't work for me.  I've done the prescription nasal sprays, those were just nasty and the worst part, it didn't work.

So when I stumbed upon Breathe-Ese, I gave it a shot thinking it wouldn't work for me.  In under 30 minutes, I wasn't sneezing, my eyes weren't watery, and my throat wasn't itchy!  I love this product.  I would totally buy more of this stuff!

Here is the product description:
Livinity's BREATHEese contains a patented blend of ingredients. Allergies and breathing problems affect many people and cause frustration and discomfort. BREATHEese can help aid in the rapid relief from respiratory challenges. It is Ephedra free and works quickly for fast relief.

If you want to try it, let me know.  If it doesn't work for you, Youngevity has a money back guarantee.  So it doesn't hurt to try it.

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